If you’re interested in writing a submission for the blog, please email [email protected]
Osaid, a long-time speaker and Fellow with SNS, is a Palestinian Citizen of Israel from Arara. He works as a songwriter, musician and music producer. We're publishing his story to coincide with International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as at SNS one of our core principles is the importance of putting Palestinian and Israeli voices back at the heart of education and activism on this issue.
London, 28th October 2021
For immediate release
This film review, from SNS Volunteer Dominic, is the second of two reviews of recent films that look at the powerful impact of the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine on people's lives. You can read the first review, of the documentary 'Mayor' here. The best place to watch The Viewing Booth is directly from the film's website, here.
This film review, from SNS Volunteer Dominic, is the first of two reviews of recent films that look at the powerful impact of the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine on people's lives. Look out for Part 2 soon, a review of the film The Viewing Booth. You can watch Mayor on a variety of platforms which can be found here.