Help us to tackle polarisation in the UK around Israel-Palestine, and build trust between communities by delivering our youth education programming to students around the UK, in schools, youth groups, community spaces and universities.
You can make a donation to Solutions Not Sides in the following ways:
1) Set up a standing order or make a bank transfer to Solutions Not Sides’ charity bank account:
Name: Solutions Not Sides
Account no: 49973868
Sort Code: 30-90-89
2) To make a donation to Solutions Not Sides by card or PayPal please click here.
3) You can also help us get donations from companies when you make purchases online by signing up to It is cost free, quick and easy!
4) Send a cheque made payable to Solutions Not Sides to the following address:
Solutions Not Sides
Haskell House
152 West End Lane
London NW6 1SD
Please ensure your envelope is addressed specifically to Solutions Not Sides.
If you are sending a charity cheque, our charity number is: 1183651
Please also consider joining as a Friend of SNS. By doing this and making a regular contribution - no matter the size - you're helping us to commit to the sort of far-sighted programmes and campaigns that can transform our current reality, allowing us to help determine events, rather than simply react to them.
To learn more about our Friends of SNS scheme and the benefits associated with it, click here. You can also download a Standing Order form at this address.
Solutions Not Sides adheres to the Codes of Fundraising Practice. Please read more about this in our Supporters Promise document.